Diabetes Care Workshop

    Can SOUND Meditation Help Control Your Blood Sugar Levels?

    There are different types of highly effective IASH SOUND healing & techniques that can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels.

    • Research presented at an American Diabetes Association Conference showed SOUND meditation is beneficial for people with diabetes. Quiet contemplation helps you put aside worries about the past and future. This helps you quiet the mind. IASH SOUND meditation relieves anxiety and depression, which are common symptoms for people with diabetes.
    • IASH SOUND meditation helps minimize stress levels and lowers blood pressure. It reduces levels of stress hormones including cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Hormones such as cortisol contribute toward weight gain and belly fat and insulin resistance. Excess weight increases the risk of high blood pressure and related heart problems.
    • A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed SOUND healing & meditation can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce insulin resistance.
    • Meditation is also used to relieve chronic pain. People with diabetes who have nerve pain or back pain are subject to increased stress and blood sugar levels. Reducing pain through SOUND meditation minimizes anxiety and related health problems as well as blood sugar readings.
    • Have a glucose meter  handy to keep track of your blood sugar levels prior and subsequent to IASH SOUND healing & meditation. Give yourself a few weeks to master the techniques and start seeing real results.

    Many people with diabetes find IASH SOUND healing & meditation is a good way to reduce stress, lower blood sugar levels and minimize pain. Discuss the possibilities of SOUND meditation with your health care provider or diabetes care team. Regular IASH SOUND healing & meditation can become an important part of your diabetes self-management program.